Some asshole masquerades as a ghost or a monster or something to scare people off to hide some nefarious doings and the Gang exposes them. Literally every ''Scooby Doo'' episode ever made (to the best of my knowledge) follows the exact same plot. There's a big difference between following a formula and recycling the ''exact same plot'' for ''every single episode''. ** I have not yet watched his Scooby Doo review, but I think I can guess his argument. Not to mention that no other hyperformulaic cartoon has anywhere ''near'' the lasting popularity and impact that Scooby-Doo has.

Also, Coyote and Roadrunner are merely part of a much larger and more diverse series, while Scooby Doo is the exact same in every episode. ** ''Scooby Doo'' uses a much, ''much'' more detailed and strict formula than any Wile E. At least, not nearly as formulaic as ''Scooby Doo''. Coyote mixed up the schemes the Coyote used to trap the Roadrunner. I can't speak for WesternAnimation/SpaceGhost but I know WesternAnimation/JonnyQuest did not use the same recycled plot for every single episode.
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Coyote cartoon, for example), right? I can understand for disliking a cartoon for "replacing" another series that he likes, but, why dislike something because it does that a vast majority of cartoons do (IE: Follow a formula)? ** I have not yet watched his Scooby Doo review, but I think I can guess his argument. Um, he does realize that 99% of all shows are formulatic and pretty much follow the same plot over and over again (Just watch any Wile E. But, he states that he didn't like it because every episode was pretty much the same with ] and that it replaced shows like ''WesternAnimation/JonnyQuest'' and ''WesternAnimation/SpaceGhost'' due to people complaining about cartoons being too violent. Now, if he didn't like the cartoon, fine.

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* TheBlockbusterBusters review of the ''Film/ScoobyDoo'' movie left me scratching my head in confusion as to his reasoning for disliking the series.